Look inside the Power of PITCHERSIZE

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Three Key Features of a Pitch




There are three key features of a pitch to make it great. The first key feature of a winning pitch is to take Pitching serious. You need money, customers and a way to reach your market that will draw their attention. Therefore, Pitchersize helps you to highlight the important aspects of your business so that the Pitch can gain the most attraction.

Your audience is important. And the information you Pitch is vital to what you get in return. And you can guarantee a good ROI through the three key features of a pitch. And to make this possible you need to have several Pitches available to present. You wouldn’t Pitch to investors the same way you would Pitch to potential customers or seeking team members.

A feature of a winning pitch is being Professional. Therefore, it is important to identify what to Pitch to whom. For example, the information, your request, and how well you know your market, audience, customers, competition, company position, and goals in a realistic manner…



The second key feature to a winning Pitch states: if you are interesting they will be interested. This is an important pitch feature because, Presence and how you show up is vital. It’s important to dress to impress. This doesn’t only mean your clothes, but how you dress a Pitch. Your tone, attitude, information, and intention are just some elements of what can make your Pitch look good or not.

The first thing people see is you, not what you say. And what’s on your mind is just as visible as the nose on your face. The personality you come to the stage with is vital to your success in getting what you came to get or not.

Whether you are Pitching virtually, in person or via audio you need to check your posture, attitude, voice, feelings, and especially if you are Pitching in person your physical dress.

Don’t underestimate the power of your Presence and its impact.



The third key feature to a winning Pitch is have FUN. Your pitch needs life. Whether you are Pitching new BioTech or a Skateboard innovation people like to buy from and do business with personalities. And far more will they choose a friendly, fun and interesting personality than not.

When you are Interesting they are Interested. The three key features of a pitch make this possible. So, lighten up and have fun, not too much, you’re not in a circus. But enjoy what you are doing and show that your purpose is well invested.

If you have a bit of Pizzazz in your Pitch it can go a long way with peaking interest and catching their attention.