Communicate for Success

Communicate for Success

The Key to Success is Communication

The Key to Success is Communication because Good communication is essential for success in life, work, and relationships. Without effective communication, a message can be misunderstood to the point of frustration or even error.

Communication is the way individuals exchange information. Through Communication we attempt to clearly and accurately convey our thoughts, intentions, and objectives.

Communication is successful only when both parties understand the same idea, conclusion, and intention of the subject communicated. In today’s world of technology and information, it is essential to have good communication skills. How often has an email or text needed to be clarified due to poor communications? There are many ways to show how the key to success is communication.

4 Keys to Communicate Successfully:

1. Know what you’re going to say and why: If you aren’t clear, it won’t be clear. Take a moment before conveying a message and be clear about the purpose and intent. Know your audience. Consider any barriers such as cultural differences or situational circumstances (gender, age, or economic biases). Furthermore, ask yourself what the outcome is that you want to achieve and the impression you want to leave.
2. How do you speak it?  It’s not always what you say, but how you say it that matters. Connect, making eye contact. When you look in peoples eye’s it inspires trust and confidence. Notice your body language. Your posture and other body movements can say much more than words can. By standing with arms relaxed at your side it offers you approachable and open to hearing what others have to say. If your arms are crossed and shoulders hunched, it suggests disinterest or unwillingness communicate, and basically says you’re cutting them off. Good posture and an approachable stance can help even the most difficult communication situation.
3. Active Listening: Communication is a two-way street. After you’ve said what you wanted; stop, listen, and look for feedback or clues of comprehension. While the person is speaking avoid the impulse to cut them off or be impatiently listening for the end so that you can speak again. Give them your full attention.
4. Reach understanding, agreement, or agree to disagree: Once you have spoken your piece and have heard the feedback, notice if you have reached a common ground, solved a problem, or clarified your position? If the purpose was to teach or instruct, have you accomplished that? Good communication means equal effort to understand and be understood. Make sure that your message has been received well and that any questions or concerns have been alleviated. You can even agree to disagree. Additionally, there is no guarantee that your communication efforts will be meet with total compliance and agreement. So, as long as you understand each other, are cordial and respectful, you can still have a successful exchange.

Communicate Successfully

    • To better command the respect of good communication, expand your vocabulary by reading and writing more. Look up words you’re not familiar with. The better you can express yourself, the better you’re able to communicate.
    • Practice your listening skills. Practice listening without speaking or replying at all. If you must reply, do so sparingly.
    • Learn to understand and appreciate opposing points of view by being open-minded and making an effort to see things from other perspectives. It will, in turn, gain you more cooperation, respect, and understanding.
    • Do Not communicate when emotionally charged. You increase the potential of saying thing something inappropriate or regrettable.

Communication must be HOT: Honest, Open and Two-Way. ~ Dan Oswald

When you take the time to hone good communication skills you open yourself up to better relationships, more career opportunities, and increased self-confidence. Furthermore, you attain a high level of mutual understanding and cooperation while successfully attaining your goals.

All new skills take time to refine, however, with practice you can develop excellent communication skills.